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    Services - Radar-Avia

    Closed Joint Stock Company "Radar-Avia"

    Checking, charging, repair and adjustment of aircraft and helicopter batteries.

    Inspection, repair and adjustment of navigation and location equipment, means of aviation communications and electrical equipment of aircraft, helicopters

    Current repair and maintenance of automatic direction finders ARP-80 and ARP-7.

    Current repair and maintenance of NDB station PAR-10.

    Current repair and maintenance of diesel generators and automation systems

    Current repair and maintenance of R-845 VHF radio stations.

    Repair, adjustment and maintenance of airfield mobile power stations APA-80 and APA-35.

    Manufacture, installation, testing and adjustment of command and controller consoles.

    Production of a mobile command post aviation control system with HF and VHF radio stations, voice recording system, backup power supply and remote control. As well as maintenance work on the system.

    Preparation of the PAR-10 mobile navigation system with a T-antenna and a backup power source. As well as renovation work.

    Preparation of a mobile command post with HF and VHF radio stations, a computer network and a backup power supply. As well as repair work.

    Construction of the building of the relay station "Mravyan" on the top of mount Teghenis at an altitude of 2851 m and installation and commissioning of radio equipment.

    Repair, installation and adjustment work of the DRL-7SM radar system

    Installation and commissioning of the P3D multilateration system by «Radar-Avia» and ERA (Czech Republic) companies.

    Installation and commissioning of the DVOR/DME navigation system by «Radar-Avia» and Thales (Germany) companies.

    Installation and adjustment works of mobile communication stations in RA.

    Installation and adjustment of VHF radio stations of the company "Park Air Systems" (England).

    Works on the restoration and adjustment of the lighting technical support system APP-90.